“Send compound instructions to the resource to avoid excessive network usage.”
You have encapsulated the resources your system uses in components that manage, represent, and directly implement their functionality. This allows you to confine responsibility not only for code-modularity reasons (chapter 6) but also for vertical and horizontal scalability (chapters 4 and 5) and principled failure handling (chapter 7). The price of all these advantages is that you introduce a boundary between the resource and the rest of the system that can only be crossed by asynchronous messaging. The Resource Loan pattern may help to move a resource as close as possible to its users, but this barrier will remain, leading to increased latency and, usually, decreased communication bandwidth. The core of the Complex Command pattern lies in sending the behavior to the resource in order to save time and network bandwidth in case of loquacious interchanges between resource and users; the user of the resource is only interested in the comparatively small result.